Jingwang Ling

Hi, I am a graduate student at Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Feng Xu. I also work with Prof. Shuang Zhao. I got a bachelor degree in School of Software, Tsinghua University.

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I'm interested in various topics in Computer Graphics and Vision, with experience in Physics-based Inverse Rendering and 3D Facial Animation.

NeRF as a Non-Distant Environment Emitter in Physics-based Inverse Rendering
Jingwang Ling, Ruihan Yu, Feng Xu, Chun Du, Shuang Zhao
ACM SIGGRAPH (conference track full paper), 2024
paper / project page / code / presentation video

Using a NeRF to capture spatially varying illumination in inverse rendering improves 3D reconstruction under non-distant lighting.

High-Quality Mesh Blendshape Generation from Face Videos via Neural Inverse Rendering
Xin Ming*, Jiawei Li*, Jingwang Ling, Libo Zhang, Feng Xu
European Conference on Computer Vision, 2024
paper / code

ShadowNeuS: Neural SDF Reconstruction by Shadow Ray Supervision
Jingwang Ling, Zhibo Wang, Feng Xu
IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2023
paper / code / project page / video / presentation video

The essence of NeRF is supervising camera rays. This ray supervision scheme can generalize to shadow rays, enabling neural scene reconstruction from single-view shadows.

Structure-aware Editable Morphable Model for 3D Facial Detail Animation and Manipulation
Jingwang Ling, Zhibo Wang, Ming Lu, Quan Wang, Chen Qian, Feng Xu
European Conference on Computer Vision, 2022
paper / code / presentation video / supplementary video

A generative model of 3D facial details that can perform expression, age and wrinkle line editing.

Semantically Disentangled Variational Autoencoder for Modeling 3D Facial Details
Jingwang Ling, Zhibo Wang, Ming Lu, Quan Wang, Chen Qian, Feng Xu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2022
paper / video / ISMAR 22 video / HTML

A facial detail morphable model that augments 3DMMs in detail reconstruction and animation.

Emotion-preserving Blendshape Update with Real-time Face Tracking
Zhibo Wang, Jingwang Ling, Chengzeng Feng, Ming Lu, Feng Xu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020
paper / video / HTML

A real-time tracking system that updates user-specific facial blendshapes with fine-scale details and preserves emotion semantics.

Interesting Projects
2020, with Yue Wang and Chia-Wei Liu
Video / Code

Move your face to break the wall.

Frontend Programming, 2018
Video / Code

A multiplayer mini game.

Qt Programming, 2017
Video / Download (Windows) / Download (Linux) / Sign up / Code

An online multiplayer Gwent card game.

Java Programming, 2017
Video / Download (JAR) / Code

A LAN multiplayer tank game.

The website's template is from Jon Barron.